Baby Grasshopper Pose

Baby Grasshopper Pose

The Baby Grasshopper Pose, also known as "Ardha Mandukasana," is an intermediate yoga pose that combines elements of a hip opener and a backbend. This pose helps to open the hips, strengthen the lower back, and improve flexibility. Here's how to perform the Baby Grasshopper Pose:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Starting Position:
  • Begin in a tabletop position on your hands and knees. Align your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  1. Preparation:
  • Extend your right leg straight back and your left leg straight to the left side. Your legs should be straight and parallel to the ground.
  1. Right Leg Position:
  • Bend your right knee and bring it towards your right elbow. Your right foot should be flexed, and the sole of your foot should face up. Try to place your knee as close to your right elbow as possible.
  1. Hips and Back Lift:
  • Press into your hands and start lifting your hips and lower back off the ground. Your weight will be supported by your hands and your left knee.
  • Engage your core and lower back muscles to help lift your hips higher.
  1. Left Leg Position:
  • Bend your left knee and bring your left heel towards your left buttock. Your left foot should point upward, and your foot can rest on your left buttock.
  1. Baby Grasshopper Pose:
  • To complete the pose, aim to create a balance with both knees and both feet off the ground. Your left knee and right knee should be close to their respective elbows. Your chest will lift, and your heart will open.
  1. Hold the Pose:
  • Stay in the Baby Grasshopper Pose for a few breaths. Continue to engage your core and focus on balance.
  1. Release and Repeat:
  • To release the pose, gently lower your hips and legs back to the starting position. Return to a tabletop position.
  1. Switch Sides:
  • Repeat the pose on the other side by extending your left leg straight back and your right leg to the right side.


  • Flexibility and hip mobility are crucial for this pose, so it may take time to develop the necessary range of motion.
  • Practice this pose with patience and awareness, and avoid forcing your body into positions that cause discomfort or strain.
  • Engage your core throughout the pose to maintain balance and support your lower back.

The Baby Grasshopper Pose is an intermediate yoga pose that combines strength and flexibility. It's important to approach this pose with care and practice regularly to improve your skills and balance. If you're new to this pose or have any physical limitations, it's advisable to work with a qualified yoga instructor to ensure you are performing it correctly and safely.

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