Bow Pose


The Bow Pose, also known as "Dhanurasana" in Sanskrit, is a yoga pose that stretches and strengthens the entire body, particularly the back, chest, and thighs. It is named after the shape it creates, which resembles a bow. Here's how to perform the Bow Pose:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Starting Position:
  • Begin by lying face down on your yoga mat with your legs extended straight and your arms alongside your body, palms facing up.
  1. Preparation:
  • Relax and take a few deep breaths in this prone position to center yourself.
  1. Bend Your Knees:
  • On an inhalation, bend your knees and bring your heels toward your buttocks.
  1. Reach Back:
  • Reach your hands back and grab your ankles. You can hold the outer ankles, just above the ankles, or use a yoga strap if you can't reach your feet.
  1. Prepare for the Lift:
  • On an inhalation, press your feet into your hands while simultaneously lifting your chest and thighs off the mat. This action will create a bow shape with your body.
  1. Lift Your Chest:
  • Lift your chest and head off the mat, looking forward. Keep your neck in a neutral position.
  1. Kick Your Feet:
  • As you continue to hold your ankles and lift your chest, kick your feet into your hands, raising your thighs and knees further off the ground. This should intensify the arch in your back.
  1. Balance:
  • Find your balance in this pose by engaging your core and pressing your pelvis into the floor to stabilize your lower back.
  1. Hold the Pose:
  • Stay in the Bow Pose for several breaths. Breathe deeply and evenly as you maintain the pose.
  1. Release the Pose:
  • To come out of the pose, release your ankles and slowly lower your chest, thighs, and legs back to the mat. Return to a prone position with your arms by your sides.


  • Keep your breath steady and maintain a strong engagement of your back and leg muscles throughout the pose.
  • Avoid straining or over-arching your back. The goal is to create a gentle curve without discomfort.
  • If you have difficulty reaching your ankles, you can use a yoga strap looped around your ankles to hold onto.

The Bow Pose is an excellent backbend that can help open the chest and stretch the front of the body. It's also a great way to strengthen the back muscles. Regular practice of this pose can contribute to improved flexibility and spinal health.

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